Fun with volunteers

We now have twenty new volunteers to help out with SFWA. Huzzah! A hearty thank you to:
Beth Bernobich, Leah Bobbet, Scott Danielson, David de Beer, Aliette de Bodard, Guy Anthony De Marco, Rachel Dryden, Nancy Fulda, Dave Goldman, Chris Hansen, Jed Hartman, Jim Johnson, Neal Levin, Jeremy Lewis, Joseph McDermott, Cat Rambo, Scott Roberts, Peg Robinson, Meg Stout and Carrie Vaughn

I’m starting to get volunteers paired with tasks.

For instance, I asked one of our graphic design volunteers if he wanted to whip up a t-shirt in response to something Jim Hines said. I quote from his comments.

I asked earlier about reasons for joining and staying with SFWA. The best answer I’ve seen all day was posted in the newsgroups tonight.

While talking about SFWA’s PR today in the newsgroup, I made the following comment:

“I’m not trying to say we need a bunch of SFWA cheerleaders running around sprinkling happy dust and farting rainbows at people…”

Within a few hours, we had Nebula-winning authors volunteering to chair the Farting Rainbow committee. And then this link:

Why stick with SFWA? Because it’s full of delightfully insane authors who do things like this.

Please note that all proceeds go to the Emergency Medical Fund.

See how much fun volunteers can have? All of this new support makes me fart rainbows of joy.

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1 thought on “Fun with volunteers”

  1. I really like the web site.
    Now you need another design for sprinkling happy dust and see which one sells better. You might even have the option of one on the front and the other on the back.

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