Free Trial of Patreon Q&A

Patreon recently added the option to allow free 7-day trials and I’ve decided to test it out this month for the Q&A and Co-Working tier.

If you’ve ever been interested in seeing what happens at the Q&A level and want to try it out then this month is your chance to do so! I am opening up the free trial option TODAY so you all can join the August 22nd Q&A!

How the trial works:

  • Sign up at the Q&A level and the free trial will be automatically added
  • You will need to give a form of payment, as the trial automatically converts into a paid membership unless you cancel before the trial period ends
  • If you decide to keep the membership, then nothing more is needed!
  • If you wish to cancel the membership before being charged, then go to manage your memberships, click edit, and cancel.

What happens in a Q&A and Co-Working?

I’m glad you asked! Here is the general format:

8 PM Eastern: We all chat as everyone joins and I give general instructions on how to ask questions.

8:05/8:10: I start the recording for those who watch asynchronously and begin answering questions.

8:30 (ish): I end the recording and give the folks who don’t wish to be recorded a chance to ask their questions.

9:00 (ish): We transition to co-working where we will all turn off our mics and focus in 15-20 minute sections to either write, craft or do other work. We come back together after the selected time and chat for a few minutes before doing it all over again.

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