Forget Citigroup, Puppet Show Needs a Bailout

As happy as I am to see a puppet related item make national news, I wish it wasn’t this.

There are many ways to measure California’s tanking economy: an 8.2 percent unemployment rate; a multibillion-dollar state budget gap; threatened endowments of the city’s museums, causing some cultural institutions to nearly default on mortgages; and the continued weakening of the Hollywood studio system. But the meltdown of the marionettes may say it all.

The article talks about Bob Baker Marionette Theater, which is one of the institutions of puppetry. It’s been in continuous operation since 1961 and I know so many puppeteers who got their start there. The theater is not just meaningful for puppeteers. John Scalzi says, “I remember going to that theater when I was in 4th and 5th grade.”

The puppet community has been talking about the financial trouble the theater is in for some time now. So I’m going to include some information that’s not in the article. That’s how you can make a donation to help keep this theater open for another five decades.

Tax deductible donations can be made to “The Academy of Puppetry and Allied Arts.” Send your check to 1345 West First Street, Los Angeles, CA 90026 or call 213-250-9995 to make a donation by credit card.

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