Foolscap Schedule

Hey! I’m heading up to Foolscap this weekend and if you are looking for me, here’s my schedule.

Sat 11 am – noon (Alder)

Class Warriors From Beyond – Class and Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror

  • Kyra Freestar, Mary Robinette Kowal, Will Shetterly

Sat 130 – 3 pm (Alder)

Culture and SF: Sociological Symbiosis – SF/F considered in the abstract as sociopolitical commentary: How SF shapes cultures and vice versa. With such an emphasis on world-building, is it even possible to write SF/F that isn’t social and political commentary, or at least reflective of a certain viewpoint? Is that intrinsic to SF? When SF ideas become mainstream, how does it affect a society as a whole (i.e., 1984 and Big Brother often cited in relation to spin-doctoring)? How does that cultural influence then feed back into SF?

Judy Johnson, Mary Robinette Kowal, Tom Whitmore

*Sat 3 – 430 pm (Canyon Creek)

All Access Authors – How do Twitter, blogging, etc, change the relationship between the audience and the author’s work? How does it work for authors and readers to interact via social media, and what’s the most effective way to do it?

Emma Bull, Keffy Kehrli, Mary Robinette Kowal, Bob Kruger, Angel McCoy, Tamara Sellman, Mark Teppo

Sat 430 – 6 pm (Elk)

Who Ought to be Able to Use My Idea? – intellectual property.

Ellen Beeman, Kirsten Edwards. Manny Frishberg (M), Mary Robinette Kowal

Sat 830 – 9 pm (Canyon Creek)

Strut Your Stuff: Mary Robinette Kowal – reading from Shades of Milk & Honey

Sun 130 – 3 pm (Alder)

The Truly Alien in SF – Getting past the prosthetic forehead and writing aliens that are very much not like ourselves. How would we know them? How can we relate to stories about them? As a writer, how do you get plausible ideas for them?

Shoshana Glick, Kyra Freestar, Manny Frishberg, Ron Hale-Evans, Mary Robinette Kowal

Sun 4 – 5 pm (Commons)

Clothing Without Cloth – Couture in the fou-ture: what will we be wearing on the next cutting edge of fashion? Non-traditional materials like plastics and papers? Neo-cloth materials like beta cloth? Effects that mimic clothing like body paint, skin ink, or even virtual clothing-like body decoration? Come share your visions.

Dave Howell, Mary Robinette Kowal

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2 thoughts on “Foolscap Schedule”

  1. Thanks for being at Foolscap. I’m glad you were there to talk to about the SFWA insurance questionnaire, and wish that I’d been able to make it more panels.

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