Finished the Novel!

Official NaNoWriMo 2004 Winner!I am dancing in circles because I just wrote the last chapter of my novel! I will use an overabundance of exclamation marks in an effort to express my excitement. Hurrah! It is 59,526 words, thirty-one chapters or 331 pages long depending on how you want to count it. I know have much proof-reading ahead of me, but I feel so invigorated to have gotten the whole story down on paper. Hurrah! I say again, Hurrah!

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4 thoughts on “Finished the Novel!”

  1. The cover is what sells the book even though you can’t judge a book by its cover. Show us the cover.

  2. I can’t show you a cover till it’s published, which won’t happen till I submit it, which won’t happen till I finish rewriting it, which won’t happen until after I’ve edited it. But as soon as all those things have happened, I’ll show you the cover.

  3. You say this is shorter than TOC? Send me the chapters after you proof them for sprelling errrors and missing but before you rewrite them. I can maybe handle that much reading at one time.

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