Fifteen Days in July

I’m only home for fifteen days this month. Yesterday was the only full day that Rob and I will have together until August 11th. He’s leaving to go to Canaan for a film shoot today and returns the 17th, the day that I leave for Readercon. We might overlap that day, but likely not.

I return from Readercon on the 20th, which is the day Rob leaves to go to the IPNC. We won’t overlap that day.

He returns from IPNC on the 30th, which is the day I leave for Launchpad. We might be able to see each other at the airport. I’m not kidding.

Launchpad and Worldcon are back to back and I return on August 11th.

All of which is leading me to think that I should go up to Canaan with Rob today and spend the night. BUT, I have twelve days left this month in which to build a realistic wounded dog puppet ((This is a side effect of having a dead dog in one’s portfolio)) On the other hand, I haven’t received the petty cash to purchase supplies yet and if I don’t do that today, then it will be Monday before I can work. Ten days to build a dog. Doable, but only just.

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9 thoughts on “Fifteen Days in July”

  1. :This is a side effect of having a dead dog in one’s portfolio:

    This is one of the reasons I love having creative people on my Friends List. I get to read amusing lines like that. *smiles happily to myself*

  2. I had the strangest dream about you last night. I was checking my friends list and an entry by you popped up. You were having to make a giant turkey puppet that was going to be on a stage where a canopy of trees had already been constructed by yourself and others. And for some reason, you were seriously broke and the show couldn’t give you the money for the turkey just yet but they really needed it, so you were kind of stuck. I recall specifically reading this: “Any milk we could bring into this house would have to come from the $40 we’ve locked initially for the turkey. I don’t know how we’re going to swing this.” Then, in the comments, you were trying to dissuade a wave of us all from PayPalling you for groceries by saying you couldn’t ask that of us and we were all like “Damnit, we’re your fans AND your friends, just let us do this.”

    Odddddddd. I have no idea where the turkey came from!

      1. I’ve been known to see flashes of the future that came true…so if someone says “We need you to make a giant turkey”, decline, DECLINE! It will apparently put you in the poorhouse!!!

  3. Now that is a busy schedule you guys have. I feel bad for complaining when my wife was gone for five days. They all sound like fun things to go to, but I’d take the big telescopes too. That sounds so fun!

    Are you going to post pictures of the wounded dog puppet? I’m very intrigued.

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