Dressing for the Regency on a budget

At NASFIC this year, I’ll be throwing the Shades of Milk and Honey launch party for which I had my regency ensemble made. It’s immediately following the Regency Ball, though not in the same location.

We’re planning on having some Regency appropriate beverages and desserts, including my mother’s poundcake.

If you are interested in coming in costume, but can’t justify the expense of having a gown made. Here are some ways to fake it.



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2 thoughts on “Dressing for the Regency on a budget”

  1. Dear Mary,
    Such fun! These links are such riches for we who love period costume. I shall mourn the fact that I cannot celebrate with you in Regency dress, at least not this time. All my life I have thought this to be one of the most flattering periods of women’s fashion.

    Have a wonderful party.
    I congratulate you on reaping the splendid consequences of all your hard work, kindness to others, and will power.
    You, madam, are a heroine with which to be reckoned!

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