Dragon*Con 2010 schedule change

I just got an update from my airline that they’ve changed my itinerary. I will now not arrive until 2pm tomorrow which means that I will miss my autographing session. I believe that is the only thing affected by this change.

Besides my blood-pressure, of course.

I’m impressed that my travel karma is inserting pre-emptive scheduling chaos although this does give me the opportunity to plan ahead for it.  Makes me wonder what time I will actually arrive…


01:00 pm Location: M301 – M304 – Marriott (Length: 1)

05:30 pm Location: Roswell – Hyatt (Length: 1)
I’ll be reading from Shades of Milk and Honey and performing The Broken Bridge, which is the shadow puppet play that occurs in Chapter 10.


Broad Universe Reading!
11:30 am Location: Greenbriar – Hyatt (Length: 2.5)
Description: Discover new writers, rediscover ones you know! Up and coming women writers read from their own works and others. (I’ll be reading a new short story.)


The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
11:30 am Location: Hanover C – E – Hyatt (Length: 1)
Description: A roundtable discussion about science fiction and fantasy book covers by industry pros, discussing what’s good, bad and could be better.


Joining a Writer’s Group
11:30 am Location: Manila / Singapore / Hong Kong – Hyatt (Length: 1)
Description: Whether it’s a national organization like SFWA, RWA,or HWA or a local group…What’s in it for you?

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2 thoughts on “Dragon*Con 2010 schedule change”

  1. I made it–just barely! You give fantastic readings. In addition to the way you dramatized the characters and the puppet show, I thought it was brilliant the way you talked about “errors” in the novel–it was instantly disarming and something I’ve not seen anyone do before. I’m glad you read from chapter ten (right?) as well, because I found I enjoyed that passage even more than the introductory one. I wish I could have come up and said hello afterward, but you had quite a crowd and my wife and I had to hurry to the Pyr presentation because they’re the ones that flew us up to DragonCon in the first place. 😉 I kept hoping I’d run into you later, but the Con flew by in such a blur. It seemed like one minute we arrived and the next we were boarding our plane to leave. I hope to run into you some other time!

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