Dr. Who and Greenland

Flying over Greenland

I finished my Doctor Who story somewhere over Greenland. Here’s a picture out the window when I finished. Every other time I’ve flown over it has been winter and it has been solid white. I’m astounded at how bleak it looks now.

Greenland in summer
The small white bits, which from the plane looked like styrofoam spread over the ocean, are actually ice. Imagine; twenty-four hours of sunlight, and ice is still floating in the ocean. That’s crazy cold. I saw nothing except rock and snow surrounded by ocean. Yet people live there. I don’t have any understanding of how they can survive.

My seatmates and I stared out the window the entire time we passed over it, astounded by its fierce beauty. I remembered Slartybartfast in Hitchhiker’s Guide and his pride in creating fjords. They are beautiful, but I wouldn’t want to live there.

Still, I did feel like I had been given a reward for finishing the story. I told Mr. Savile that it would be 2000 words, and it clocked in at 1984. Now I just have to edit the thing and send it off. Anyone up for reading and responding? It helps if you’re familiar with Doctor Who.

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