
Why do I only have 1167 words to show for today? Because I spent all freaking day trying to recover from edatarack’s blunder. I’m busily moving every site I hosted with them so that I never have to deal with them ever again. Between that and the Icelandic lesson, I feel very good that I got forty-five minutes of writing in and ticked that I had to waste time on the website. I’ll try to post some audio Icelandic tomorrow. Meanwhile, I promised myself that I would go to bed at midnight.

I stayed up until two o’clock last night and that was a bad idea.

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meterZokutou word meter
36,554 / 50,000

1167 words in forty-five minutes


He cleared his throat twice.


“I mean, most parents just tell stories about their honeymoons, you two went on a freaking quest.”

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4 thoughts on “Distractions”

  1. Thanks, Maggie. It’s going pretty smoothly so far. I think OHP is back up, but some of the files I don’t have on this computer so they’ll have to stay missing until I’m back in Portland in November.

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