
These are some of the things that have struck me–you should know that I am experiencing culture shock about being in the U.S.

  • America really does have an obesity problem. From the moment we landed in Baltimore, I saw very few people who were not overweight.
  • There are so many trees.
  • Look at all the cars on the road; where are all these people going?
  • The staff at stores are so chatty. I don’t know them, why do they want to know how I am?
  • I can turn the hot water tap on without scalding myself.
  • The hot water doesn’t smell like sulphur.
  • The days are so long.
  • The water tastes like chemicals.
  • I can buy spinach dip in the store.
  • I can read all the labels.

There will be more to come, I’m sure.

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