Destination Reykjavik

I got a call on Thursday from Lazytown offering me a job. I’m heading to Reykjavik for a two-week trial to see if we’re mutually compatible. If everything goes well, they’ll keep me till the end of the year.
That’s a long time.
Rob and I are both comfortable enough with the idea for me to go, though neither relishes that much time apart. I leave tonight, which is more than a little crazy.

I’m also terribly excited because the day before the Iceland call, I got an email from The First Line telling me that they want to publish my short story The Shocking Affair of the Dutch Steamship Friesland. This is my second short story sale, and I’m starting to feel like a real writer. (Now if I can just get someone to buy my novel.) If you live in Portland, OR you can buy a copy at Powell’s or order it through The First Line’s website. My first sale was also to them and is in the summer issue; my new effort will appear in the fall issue.

I’ll try to use this site as a way to keep folks up-to-date on what’s going one.

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