Denver, CO: Day 5 of the move

Black Swan Inn provided us with a lovely breakfast this morning and then we hit the road. For the most part on this trip, Rob is doing more of the driving than I am to give me write. My goal was to have the first draft of the novel finished by the time we hit Portland. I think I’m going to be just shy of that, which is fine by me.  I’m in Chapter 21 right now out of a projected 23 or 24 chapters.  If I’m very focused in the truck tomorrow I should finish 21 and get a good start on 22.  We’ll see how it goes from there.

This evening we’re at T.L. Morganfield‘s home which has given us the opportunity to meet her husband and kids. The interesting thing about knowing writers is that we tend to see each other at cons divorced from our real life.  Actually getting to stop in and spend time with online friends makes, I think, a stronger connection to their writing life.  For instance, Traci has an office that is very jealous making. It has a walkin closet for books.

Yes. I want it, too.

Tomorrow? Salt Lake City.

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