Delivering the First Stages set model

I took the train up to Princeton to deliver the set model to McCarter theater’s education department. For this project, I needed to come up with a single set that could work for eight different plays. After our last meeting, the next step was to create a set model. Since each play has a different director, we decided that the easiest thing to do would be to show a variety of possibilities with the set and let the directors decide how they were going to use them.

I’m just going to show you the same photos I showed the head of the program. Each photo uses the same elements. Two platforms that are four feet by eight feet. Two that are four by four and two that are two by eight. 2 x2 poles can peg into the decks of the platform. Spandex ribbons will add color and help define scenic locations.
First Stages model 1 Example 2

Example 3

Example 7

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