The delights of a neighborhood. Someone else is shoveling my walk right now

IMAG1773One of the neighborhood kids just rang the front bell and asked if we wanted our porch, steps, and walk shoveled for $10. I said, “Yes, but let me make sure I have cash.”

As I was running upstairs, I heard him go, “Yes!” I imagine the fist-pump, but I’m sure it was there.

I did. He’s shovelling now and I made him a hot chocolate.

Rob and I shovelled things yesterday, but with all the snow we’ve had you can barely tell. I had been thinking that I should go out and do it again, so this young man’s timing was perfect. I’m delighted to fund his comic collection, or whatever it is kids these days spend their money on.

Meanwhile, I will stay inside with my cup of Earl Grey, a fire, kittehs, and some fiction to read and write.

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4 thoughts on “The delights of a neighborhood. Someone else is shoveling my walk right now”

  1. You decadent bourgeoisie parasite, preying off the labor of the working class!

    (Speaks the man with two teenage sons to help with his shoveling. They only get $10 if they do the driveway too.)

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