Dear SFWA members,

I want to begin by saying that it has been an honor to be your president. My last months in office have predominately been spent working on the Disney Must Pay situation. While we resolved Alan Dean Foster’s original complaint, doing so brought to light more than twenty additional writers with over one hundred affected titles. I will continue to work with the multi-organization task force that assembled to work on this, while Monica Valentinelli steps up as the board liaison to the group.

If there is ever a time to donate to SFWA, that time would be now. 

During my term, we completed some tasks that have been in the works for years — such as the health insurance portal — and began others — such as restructuring the publications branch of SFWA — and laid the groundwork for projects that will make SFWA more stable and better able to serve its members. My goal when I left was to make sure that the transition to Jeffe Kennedy was as smooth as possible.

I’m excited by what she has planned.

At the Nebula Conference, I looked around at all of the people enjoying the conference and at the wonderful volunteers and staff that organized and ran the show. I realized that no one needed me and it was the best feeling. We had a rough two years, but the team that is in place makes me proud to be a member. I hope you are, too.

Thank you for trusting me for the past two years. I look forward to what comes next.

Mary Robinette Kowal

P.S. Seriously, if you want to thank me, make a donation to SFWA.

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