Day of rest

We slept in. It was lovely.

Then, Rob made waffles. Lovely.

We walked downtown; the sun was shining but it was still cold enough to bundle up. Our goal–well, Rob’s goal really, I was just along for company–was to find a thrift store. There are three that Rob knew of, but we only found one of them. It was closed. I knew of one other, which was open but didn’t have anything we were interested in. We did buy some chopsticks at Tiger, the Icelandic version of the dollar store. Then we ran into Sarah, Julie and Emily and joined them for coffee at Tíu Droppar. There I experienced a miracle.

Tíu Droppar has decaffinated coffee.

Almost nowhere in Iceland has decaffinated coffee and I have serious caffeine issues. I shake and sweat. This isn’t really surprising since caffeine is, after all, a neuro-toxin. Still, I love the flavor of coffee and suffer when I watch other people enjoying it but can’t have any myself.

After coffee, we all went our seperate ways to get ready for the production party tonight. It was fun to see people outside the work routine.

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