Day in a nutshell

  1. I went to work and worked on the bear.
  2. From 10:30-12:00, I went to my last Icelandic class. I have a certificate now to prove that I’ve taken the course, because you can’t tell by talking to me.
  3. Went back to work.
  4. Bought new glue gun and finished skinning the head–er, that means that I finished putting the fur on the head. Sometimes I can recognize the odd phrasing.
  5. Inhaled a lot of fur.
  6. Talked with seamstress about the bear’s jacket. She’s coming tomorrow to look at it.
  7. Tried to go to a friend’s dress rehearsal, but didn’t get away from the bear in time.
  8. Home now.
  9. Bed, next.
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