Culture day is one of the biggest celebrations in Iceland. 100,000 people come to Reykjavik to celebrate culture; it seems like there was music on every street corner. Jodi, Sam and I started the day downtown going to galleries.

We visited a large church on a hill. You can see it from most places in town.

Inside, a man was playing the organ,but he stopped right after we sat down. The space is really stunning.

Then we wandered some more before taking a break while we waited for the fireworks.

At the end of the night everyone gathered in large open area to watch fireworks. Initially I was skeptical because a band was playing on the mainstage and it was waaaaay too loud. But I have to say that the segue was very nice. I think that the area must be a parking lot normally, because there were street lamps everywhere. When eleven o’clock rolled around, the singer spoke enthusiastically to the crowd in Icelandic. I assume he was saying something like, “Are you ready to see some Fireworks! Count with me! One, two, three!” and on three all of the street lights went out and rockets shot into the air. It was pretty spectacular.