
It’s 1:15 am. I just got home. The crocodile and leopard are not finished. Tomorrow I’m supposed to temp and after I finish that I’m heading back to the Puppet Kitchen to finish up so that the puppets can get on a plane at 6am on Tuesday.

Oh yeah, and I have to send the Pirate issue to the printer tomorrow. Should be a slow day, huh?

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1 thought on “Crocodile”

  1. Maybe you should top it off with dragging a butcher block island for the kitchen about 70 blocks.

    Me? I’m making a poster for a workshop which means editing my lousy path around figured doing yoga, then editing the copy for same poster (trying to make it less lame and more sexy. HArd to do with yoga). Then making three email newsletters for immediate release. All while taking care of a sick kid home from school.

    So I’m making loops of old ska records. Tee-hee!

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