
I’m tired of it already. I had a fit today that sounded like I had consumption. Okay, not really, but it felt like someone ought to be concerned that I might have consumption. Basically, my sore throat has become a nasty chest cold which is aggravating my respirtory infection induced asthma, which is further aggravated by the fumes in the puppet shop all of which means I’m probably heading for bronchitis.

Now, I have taken steps, such as moving the sewing machine to green room, away from the fumes, (I did finish the prototypes today) and visiting the pharmacy and using my inhaler. Unfortunately, it seems that things are so aggravated right now, that I can’t be in the kitchen while Rob is cooking because of the pepper and onions. This is the point where I realize how fortunate I am that I have a house-husband to cook instead of having to fight with these things while trying to cook.

Besides that, the day was good. I got the prototypes made, the New York cast arrived today. Tomorrow we get the rest of the cast. Then the team will be complete. Our first day of filming is Monday. We’re spending the time until then working in our rehearsal room.

All the puppets have working eyebrows now. Ooooo! It’s taking us a little time to get used to using them.

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8 thoughts on “Coughing”

  1. No one is married to a HOUSE! Robert Kowal is not a “house- husband”. He is married to a dynamic, beautiful and talented woman. He is Mary Robinette Kowal’s – husband!…and many other worthy things too, of course.

  2. MARY


    B U N N A H A B H A I N

    Get it?

    If internal application doesn’t work, try having Rob rub you down with it. That’ll do something!

  3. Mary Robinette Kowal

    Ha! I wish. We’re going to the Vinbuð tomorrow, so I’ll see if they have it. Can you recommend a second and third choice if they don’t have Bunnahabhain.

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