Christmas photos.

Þor brought in the photos he took of my Christmas party. We’ll start with a picture of Steve, seriously underdressed, but then he wasn’t expecting a black tie gathering. That’s Mark Reed next to him. Caroline is in the foreground.

In good Chattanooga tradition the buffet was loaded with food.

We had to use both sides of my tiny kitchen, but the line was surprisingly orderly. People loved the shrimp curry.

This is my friend Bernd who lives up in Akureyri.

I had three tables set up; one long one with twelve people and two smaller ones with six and four people. This is the big table; notice the place cards. From left to right that’s Julie, David, Caroline, Bernd and Sigrun.

After dinner I served merangue with a chocolate vanilla rum sauce. Þor is standing behind me; we’re hamming it up for the camera. Dana Reed is in the foreground (she and Mark one best dressed couple). And Kahlua is standing at the sink, doing the dishes. I’m inviting her to every party.

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