Christmas Party

Steve came to Iceland to chop vegetables. Really, I just wanted to provide a Christmas dinner that was as much like the family gathering in Chattanooga as possible so my brother chopped things, swept and move furniture. We had twenty-one people for dinner, which was quite the feat in my tiny apartment. Actually the bigger challenge was the food preperation, because I have a dorm size refrigerator. Fortunately I have a balcony and the temperature was close to freezing.

I’ll post pictures later, but my camera doesn’t have a flash so the photos I tried to take are worthless. Þor has promised me copies of the photos he took, and I’ll post them when I get them.

The party was black tie optional and two of the men actually wore tuxedos. Several ladies came in evening gowns, which was lovely. Such fun.

The Menu
Pomegranate and chickpea salad
Green beans with lemon and basil
Spinach, artichoke caserole
Yellow and blue potatoes with garlic and gorgonzola
Buckwheat pasta, with butternut squash, mushrooms, eggplant and chestnuts
Shrimp curry and rice
Merangue with chocolate rum sauce and mixed berries

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