Chapter 3 of The Transfigured Lady is now posted

Today, I have for you Chapter 3 of  The Transfigured Lady, which means that I’ve finished Chapter 5. Yay! It took longer than I expected since I realized — based on your comments — that Chapter 5 was going to need an additional scene so I had to rejigger the outline a little.

I’ve posted Chapter 3 for those of you reading along. It’s the same password.

Here’s the teaser for Chapter 3.

Cora stood in the wings, watching the song-and-dance man take his bows. His dark tailcoat made a sharp contrast against the yellow sodium lamps which outlined the stage. Even after a twenty-minute set, he looked polished and debonair. The tendrils of blond hair that had escaped from his pomade only lent him a slight rakish edge.

Upstage, hidden by the curtain, the acrobats were prepping for their performance in the relative dark. The young man she had spoken with hung from a trapeze, swinging from one of the fly rails. He dropped his head in annoyance as the audience brought the song-and-dance man out for another bow. Probably he wasn’t annoyed at the wait so much as having to top the performance. Every vaudeville act was supposed to be better than the one before it and three bows would be tough to beat.

If you also want to read along, then hop over to read the ground rules.

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