Chapter 18 of The Transfigured Lady draft is posted

Sorry there was such a big gap between the last chapter and this one. I had to do some back and forth to fix a structure thing and that always takes longer. Plus there was some traveling to build those pesky gods.

Anyway, I’ve just posted Chapter 18 for those of you reading along. And, um, I’m going to go ahead and apologize for what I’ve just done to you. You’ll know why when you read it. Sorry.

The teaser:

Standing behind the curtain, Walker’s heart thudded loud enough that he could hear it over the audience. They were still clapping for a magician who had performed an escape act in olio. Walker and Miss Parker had been doing this act for the past week and that didn’t seem to change a darn thing for him. Tonight they were headliners. His knees burned like he had a fever and his stomach felt like he had a bellyfull of live fish.

Walker shifted the padded canister in his hands, gripping it tightly to keep it from floating upward. Inside it was enameled, but he’d wrapped the exterior in padding and black velvet to make it quiet and hard to see.

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