Change of plans

I was getting into Austin at noon Friday for the SFWA Nebula Award weekend, but I’ve had to rebook my ticket. I need to get some things done for the show I’m working on and really, really need the morning to get it done. Alas. So, if you are going to Austin, I’ll see you laaaate Friday night or on Saturday.

I do love my job, but there are days when I wish the hours were shorter.

Edited to add: After spending an hour on the phone, I discovered that, even though I can see a flight that is only $50 more expensive than mine, it would cost $435 more than my original ticket to change my flight. Can’t do that. Gah! Need more hours in the day.

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4 thoughts on “Change of plans”

  1. Why can’t airplanes just be buses that fly? I’ve never been charged a crippling fee for changing a bus or train ticket. Bah.

    1. Well the bit I don’t understand is that I can fly stand-by on an earlier flight with no extra charge, but not a later flight. Unless I miss the flight and call them to say that I’ve missed the flight. If I show up, then it counts as changing the ticket. If I don’t call them, it counts as a no-show and they will cancel the ticket. So apparently, what I should have done is stayed at home, called them and lied by saying that I had bus trouble. Crazy.

  2. That reminds me of the four days I wasted in Cleveland because it would have cost $800 (more than the original ticket and hotel combined) to shorten the trip. I could have walked home in that time.

    OK, I could not have walked home in that time, but it would have been more fun than trying to work from my hotel room.

    Did I mention I’m going back to Cleveland at the end of May?

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