Catching up, Chapter 16, and who is that man?

You might have noticed that I’ve been posting less the past week. My reasons are twofold.

  1. I had to rejigger the outline.
  2. I’ve been doing layout, which I enjoy but is dull to blog about.

So, for those of you reading along, Chapter 16 is up. Here is the teaser:

Cora sat curled up on the cot by her hotel room’s window, stitching a new line of trim onto the silk tunic she wore in their act. She needed to muss the little bed so the hotel staff would think that two people were sleeping the room and had discovered that the morning sun made it a cozy spot to do her mending.

Meanwhile, I’m sending the page proofs over to Ann and Paula at Weird Tales today and they should be making their way to the writers from there. Interesting factoid: This issue contains an article by Robert Kowal… Why does that name sound vaguely familiar?

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