Can I go to sleep yet?

I’m trying to stay up until nine tonight, but I feel like I’m fighting a losing battle. I’ve been very industrious today. I got up with Aaron and MaryClaire to see them off, and then spent the rest of today doing housecleaning. I did dishes and then began sorting things in the guest room.

I culled my clothes. Based on the bare minimum that I needed while in Iceland I was able to get rid of a lot of ‘work clothes’ and other things that get worn when my preferred garments are dirty. I also started going through our books. As part of the downsizing efforts for the big move, I went through and selected books that I feel like I can live without.

There are a lot of books left.

For dinner tonight I had pasta with salmon and leftover veggies, white wine, and whatever the great sauce is that Eve made to go with the salmon.

Well, this entry has taken five minutes of time. Just another hour and ten minutes before I can justify sleeping.

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