Better today

My throat is still sore, but I think the fever broke during the night. Rob has been very sweet and kept me well supplied with fluids.

Dad keeps asking me if I feel better. I think I do, but yesterday was so miserable because of the drive from North Carolina that it’s hard to tell if I’m actually healthier. I’m hoping so, since there’s that plane flight to Iceland on Sunday.

I did get to my friends in Greensboro yesterday. I sent Mr. Fisher an email to let him know that I was sick and likely contaigous, but he graciously accepted the risk. We had a delightful time visiting and I even got to meet his family, all of whom are very nice. We’ve had an email correspondence for several years now, begun on the Hatrack Writers’ Forum, but this is the first time we’ve met in person. I’m pleased to report that he’s as nice in real life as he is online.

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