Beta-readers wanted for SF short story

This is a 150 word short story. Yes. 150 words. That was the commission and it was harder than a 3000 word story. I need to turn it in today, so if you have a few minutes to read…

Just drop your name in the comments on my site (and make sure your email address is correct). The first ten or so people with free time, I’ll send the password to.


EDITED TO ADD: I’ll all set. I’ve got a good spread of readers on this. Many, many thanks for helping with the tight turnaround.

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18 thoughts on “Beta-readers wanted for SF short story”

  1. Willing to help if required, am on Easter Break from school where I work. uK based if that’s am issue!

  2. I’d love to help too. Is it alright I’m heading to FanX in Salt Lake tomorrow and will be gone this weekend though?

  3. I’d love to!

    It must be difficult to do SF in 150 words, it takes much more just to describe one aspect of the setting.

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