Bara finnt!

I feel totally triumphant. I had to make arrangements to pick up Audrey tomorrow and actually managed to do it in Icelandic. Granted, I figured out what I wanted to say beforehand and wrote it down as a script, but still! I spoke and was understood.

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4 thoughts on “Bara finnt!”

  1. Did they have Audrey ready for you as you expected, or had they misunderstood you and given her some sort of ridiculous hair cut or dyed her purple or some such?

  2. Mary Robinette Kowal

    Actually, the babysitter called and said that Sylvia wanted to keep Audrey longer. Apparently she wants a dog but her dad won’t let her have one. Dogsitting Audrey is their compromise. I told her to call me if they needed a break. We did all of that in English.

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