Back in the USA

I just landed in Minneapolis and my next flight doesn’t leave until 9:13 p.m. Jetlag is not really noticeable yet, although last night was the first night that I slept normally. After we finished shooting, a bunch of us went to Rósa’s house for soup, and wine. We watched Dancing Duel, which was a lot of fun. It’s nice watching the episodes in a group. After everyone else left, Sarah and I stayed up talking to Sigga and Rosa for another hour, fooled by the sunset into thinking that it was 7:30 rather than 11:00.

I had a great time working. Þor is a pleasure to assist, and was very pleased with my drumming. I had to drum using carrots as drumsticks. It was hard because the set was on the floor so there was very, very little room for me to hide. My shoulder kept peaking out, but we got some good takes, thank heavens.

I’ll get home around 11:00 tonight. Rob is picking me up at the airport.

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