Back in Portland from Dragon*Con and Tennessee

Once again, my body is on random time. I’ve just returned from the trip to Atlanta and Tennessee and wasn’t there quite long enough — or rather — I didn’t have quite enough of a regular sleep cycle to have truly gotten on East Coast time but neither am I acclimated to West Coast at this point.

The trip home was entirely uneventful aside from finishing the ABM of Howard Jones’s novel The Desert of Souls. It’s a fast read and a lot of fun. Think Sherlock Holmes set in the Arabian Nights.

Rob and I went out for dinner tonight. It’s not that we lack food but there’s a tendency for us to both get distracted by all the things that Need To Get Done and to not spend enough time reconnecting. Getting out of the apartment removes the distractions. Plus we were both tired.

The next trip is on September 24th up to Redmond, WA for Foolscap. That doesn’t seem nearly as daunting since I can just hop the train.

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