Avenue Q with Peter

Today was hands down the most fun I’ve had with Peter so far.  We stopped to get bagels and he walked me up to the theater. It was a short day for me as I just needed to finish the angel wings and get them primed.

Peter and the Bad Idea BearsAfter that, we headed down to the theater to see Avenue Q. The seats were in the very, very last row of the theater, but it’s such a small house that it didn’t feel that far away.  It’s been a couple of year since I’ve seen the show, but it was as fun as I remembered it.

The bonus came afterwards. My friend, Jen Barnhart, is an original cast member of Avenue Q and gave us a backstage tour afterwards. Amoung the other characters, she’s the girl Bad Idea Bear and was totally game for photos with Peter.

We were both sort of bouncy after the show so walked home from the theater. We stopped halfway for a late dinner and then just kept walking because the night was so pleasant. Peter was belting out songs from the show, although I suggested that “Everyone’s a Little Bit Racist” might not be the best choice at 11:00 on a NYC street. I was surprised that he has the songs mostly memorized.

Oh! The other highlight of the evening. At one point he said something which prompted me to say, “I find your rationale dubious.”

Peter said, “Why do adults think teens always have to have a reason for doing things? We don’t. We’re totally random and just do stuff.  There’s no reason, we’re teenagers.”

I laughed and laughed.

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