April 2017 Newsletter and Tour Schedule

Mary here, keeping you in the loop about what I’ll be doing and the places I’ll be going in April.

  • Friday 31 March to Sunday 2 April: Short Story Intensive (online)
  • Sunday 23 April: Patron class on contracts for Patreon Supporters
  • Monday 24 April to Thursday 27 April: FutureScapes Writers’ Workshop (Sundance Resort, Utah)
  • Friday 28 April to Sunday 30 April: Short Story Intensive (online)

In case you didn’t get my last newsletter, or if you’re new (welcome!), I recently started a Patreon so that I can create fiction, puppets, and the things that you, my dear fans, are here for with greater reliability and ease. What do patrons get from this, pray tell? Well, aside from the obligatory pictures of my cats and their antics (honestly, what would the internet be without cat pictures?), there are online classes, novel excerpts, and other exclusive goodies. (For example, I just posted a giant list of the rejected titles for the Lady Astronaut novels, because titles are hard.)

And why is this important for me? It gives a bit more of a stable foundation to the freelancer lifestyle, which means I won’t have to take gigs that don’t interest me, and helps me focus on the projects I’m more passionate about.



P.S. In other news, I recently completed a novel. Have a drink!

P.P.S You can sign up for my newsletter and or event notifications on the right sidebar of the website.


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