Appalachian and appellation are surprising homophones– not.

A sign that I really am from North Carolina. While narrating today, I hit the word “appellation” and it sounded wrong. Completely wrong. Then I realized that’s how people who aren’t-from-around-here say “Appalachian” and my brain was trying to correct to “App-a-LATCH-un.”

Totally not helpful.

In case you are wondering. I’m in Grand Rapids, MI recording Michael R. Underwood’s Celebromancy for

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2 thoughts on “Appalachian and appellation are surprising homophones– not.”

  1. I only found out about ten years ago how Appalachian is correctly pronounced, from a coworker from Tennessee. It was a great shock. I also know how to pronounce Spokane (my sister lived there for a while.)

    Language is fun!

  2. I’ve moved away from Appalachia where I grew up, and whenever I hear people talking about the Appa-lay-shun mountains, it makes me a little sad on the inside.

    So this post made me smile today.

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