AnthologyBuilder: create your own anthology

A friend of mine just started a new business, AnthologyBuilder, which is the type of brilliant idea that makes you wonder why no one else had done it yet. It’s like iTunes for short fiction. You get to pick the stories you want for a custom print anthology. As a reader, I love the idea of having total control over the content.

As an writer, I’m really happy that there’s an easy venue for my published material. It’s a very simple, easy contract that lets me get my older stuff back out there.

I’m hoping, and sort of expecting, this to really take off.

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6 thoughts on “AnthologyBuilder: create your own anthology”

  1. Wow! I got so excited that I nearly bought what I created before I realized that I don’t read.
    The only glitch I saw was when I added one of your stories twice it let me do that. But both stories were in red so that may be the flag rather than putting a warning on the screen. Also it didn’t warn you as you added the story that put you over 350 pages, but it did have a warning after you added it that you were over the limit.
    I think they may do well.

  2. -d-: Short stories make good bathroom reading.

    Phyl: I don’t know, since I don’t know the conditions of your Tekno Books contract. Well, and I’m a puppeteer, not a lawyer. But I do know that the Anthology Builder contract is non-exclusive.

  3. How awesome! Josh and I actually seriously considered doing this at one point but decided on the audiobooks venture instead. I’m thrilled to see someone else giving it a shot.

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