Angela Slatter has a Drive-by Interview with me

Australian short story writer Angela Slatter, has interviewed me for part of her Drive-by Interview series.  She’s a seriously talented writer and has two short story collections coming out this year, Sourdough & Other Stories with Tartarus Press (UK) and The Girl with No Hands & Other Tales (Ticonderoga Publications)

Here are the questions she asked me.

  1. Who is/are your main writing buddy/ies?
  2. How did you make the shift from puppetry to writing? What was the attraction?
  3. What are your writing fetishes? i.e. what can’t you write without?
  4. What inspired Shades of Milk and Honey?
  5. Donuts (or doughnuts) or danishes?

Read my answers on her website in her Scenting the Drive-by interview.

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