And I’m off! Again! To Salt Lake City this time.

Where am I heading this time? I’m going to Salt Lake City to record some more episodes of Writing Excuses with Brandon, Dan, and Howard. I know this has been a subject of some curiosity to a few of you, so for a brief moment, I’m going to take you behind the curtain.

I live in Portland, OR and the rest of the team lives in the SLC region of Utah. We can’t get together every week and we interrupt each other too much to do without physical cues. This means that I fly in for marathon recording sessions. Last time we recorded sixteen episodes in two days. We recorded more at WorldCon and add guests any time we can get more than two of us at a con. Shocking, I know, that we don’t record them weekly.

Finding time when we can all get together is difficult. I mean, you’ve seen my travel schedule and that’s just one person. Have you seen how often Brandon travels? Or Dan? Or Howard — when he can find his pants, that is.

The point being that I’m about to dive into another marathon session of recording.

Do I come home then? No, I do not. I go to New York and then I come home.

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7 thoughts on “And I’m off! Again! To Salt Lake City this time.”

  1. Mary…. I wanted to say thank you to you and everyone who does writing excuses…. It is one of the few podcasts I listen to by myself and it is the one that does make me want to write despite my opinion of my own ideas and my low self esteem … My partner is always encouraging me to write because she likes the things I have to say…. I am attempting Nano this year and I think finally I may submit something from my efforts… I wanted to thank you all for your efforts on the podcast and if I’m ever published in fiction I will have you all in my dedication …. You bunch inspire me in ways and have all over the 6 seasons taught me things I hope I will recall…. Have a great trip and enjoy your time there…. GL

  2. You travel maniac, you!

    That reminds me, I’m likely to be in SLC during late July.  If I send you all cookies, can I come be a guest on Writing Excuses again?  🙂

  3. More WE is always good news! As far as what goes on behind the curtain, what I’d really like to know is if you do any gaming with the guys while you’re there. If so, what games?

      1. I figured the trips were pretty quick. Howard’s G+ said something like 20 episodes!

        No worries about not being a gamer, not everybody is. My sister-in-law pretty much refuses to play anything that doesn’t involve dancing in front a Wii or a Kinect. I did however, finally talk her into playing an X-Files themed roleplaying game this Thanksgiving.

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