An email from Amazon to me

I’ve seen some speculation floating around about the Macmillan/Amazon thing that the Amazon response on the Kindle forum was not official.  Apparently… it was.

See, this weekend I sent this message to customer service.

I am deeply dismayed by Amazon’s removal of Macmillan books from their catalog. Since this covers a significant number of books I read as well as books I’ve written, I can’t see the need to maintain a relationship with anymore.

How do I delete my associate account??

Today, I got response and I thought you’d be interested in the way it opens.


Thanks for sending us your comments. We will e-mail you when these titles are available again, which we hope will be soon. For more information regarding Macmillan books, please see the latest update posted here:

However, if you still would like us to close your Associates account…

So apparently, the key word in the original response was the word “ultimately” as in, “at the end” but not now.

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1 thought on “An email from Amazon to me”

  1. It’s unfortunate that they’re dragging their heels on this. This latest incident with Macmillan (on top of the 1984 deletions and the downgrading of the LGBT rankings) has resulted in my rethinking my relationship with them as a customer. It’s been pointed out by you and many others there are plenty of other places, on- and offline, to buy books. So yours and other authors’ I plan to purchase in the near future will get purchased. Maybe we can save Borders this way…

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