AMC: Fantasy Fashion in 2008

My AMC column on Fantasy Fashion in 2008 went live this morning, but I was busy hanging out with my mom and my niece in pursuit of fashion. Granted, it was in one of Dante’s unnamed concentric circles of hell — the mall the day after Christmas — so these fashions from Fantasy films might be a little more palatable.

I’m a fashion hound any day, so one of the things I love most about fantasy is the clothing. You see, fantasy heroes’ wardrobes are as integral to their characters as the weapons they wield and the spells they cast. After all, where would Gandalf be without his pointed Wizard’s cap and long flowing robes? He’d probably look like a homeless person. 2008 was a strong year for fantasy flicks to be sure, with characters battling undead mummies, journeying to the center of the earth and visiting magical lands where Lions rule — but how did they look while doing it? Let’s find out.

Drop by and let us know what you think were the best and worst looks in this year’s fantasy lineup

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