Ambassador Visits Set

Well, this is old news, but it came to mind because I was RSVPing for the Fourth of July party that the embassy is throwing. Back in March, the US Ambassador visited the set.

Unfortunately, that’s not David in the photo. There are an amazing number of photos of David floating around the internet, which are all of someone else. It’s sort of astonishing. I think he secretly enjoys it.

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6 thoughts on “Ambassador Visits Set”

  1. I saw a photo of the US Ambassador with Magnus and Julianna. You should see it; I like Julianna’s expression for some reason.

  2. Looking at the biography for the American Ambassador to Iceland, indicates she is a womam. That so?

  3. Mary Robinette Kowal

    Yes. Isn’t that lovely? If you click on the link above you can see pictures of her on the set.

  4. Mary Robinette Kowal

    The second picture, the one with the Mayor’s feet, is David. The first is a guy in the marketing department.

  5. So that’s David Matthew Felman? Now I know what he looks like! “Oh my! Stephanie!” 😉

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