A twitter chat and interview with me by the Multnomah County Library staff. Today!

Today I’m heading down to Multnomah County’s Central Library — which is a thing of beauty — for an interview and chat via twitter.  Why am I going in person? Because they are offered me a backstage tour of the library. Heck yeah!

Meanwhile, if you want to participate in the chat, it’s at today from 12-1 PDT and the hastag #MRKchat.

They also reviewed Shades of Milk and Honey this week and said lovely, lovely things.

Kowal’s debut is a light, absorbing read—a perfect choice to enjoy in the Portland sunshine, while it lasts. Be on the lookout for our upcoming Twitter chat with the author on Aug. 11th, from 12-1. Please join the conversation!

You can read the full review at An Embarrassment of Riches | Read, Watch, Listen – Books, movies and audio picks from Multnomah County Library staff.

Hope to see you at the Twitter chat!

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