2007 in 12 sentences: meme

Vylar Kaftan posted this on her journal and I thought it seemed like a good idea.

The first 12 sentences from my blog for each month this year.

January: For years, I’ve had a standing date with Sue and Albert on New Year’s Day for black-eyed peas and greens.

February: The deadline to submit nominations for the Hugo Awards and for the John W. Campbell Best New Science Fiction Writer Award is not until March 3, 2007.

March: My husband and his friend stand in the kitchen talking about wine.

April: As many of you know, I’ve had some doubts about Scalzi’s bid for presidency of SFWA.

May: I called Carlisle shipping, again, about our missing Audrey II puppets.

June: So.

July: Rob continues to work on cleaning the stove and, to our surprise, the stove is white.

August: I just added making dog ears to my plate.

September: There’s a certain euphonious delight happening with that title.

October: We are packing the puppets now.

November: Today started with me sleeping through my alarm, though waking up in enough time to make the 8:15 train to Saratoga if I hurried.

December: Buried in the 101 Best Web Freebies from BusinessWeek was a bit that read:

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3 thoughts on “2007 in 12 sentences: meme”

  1. Confession of ignorance. Mary, how is meme pronounced? Is it meee-meee or is it may-may? And oh yes please, definition of the word?

  2. Meme…from the Greek I guess. “That which is imitated in the pattern of a gene.” I looked it up,but I still don’t quite comprehend the usage.

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