
In Submission – updated

Short Fiction Waiting for Rain: In India, a winemaker has beggared himself to pay for his daughter’s wedding and can no longer pay his weather bills. Body Language : Near-future. Saskia, a puppeteer, is called in to help solve a kidnapping because the only witness is eDawg, a toy for which she did the motion-capture […]

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Works in Progess – updated

Short Fiction Beauty Will Come:Prequel to “Beauty and the Beast” from the Beast’s mother’s POV. The Case at Landon Manor: In 1924, Ginger Carrington, the glamorous young heiress, must use her skills as a medium to solve a haunting. Shades of Milk and Honey: Regency Romance, with fantasy. Magic is a woman’s art, like painting

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Cerbo en Vitra ujo

I decided to set the 1920’s ghost/mystery story aside for a bit because I found a fantastic book at Chattacon called Your Psychic Powers and How to Develop Them by Hereward Carrington. It was originally published in 1920 and is such the perfect research material that I want to read it before continuing. Meanwhile, I

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Shimmer, Winter 2006

Snuggle up with the winter issue of Shimmer and sink into the heat of Alabama with Sell Your Soul to the Devil Blues by Tom Pendergrass, pick the brain of multiple Hugo-award winning editor Ellen Datlow, and listen to the Silent Folk in Jay Lake’s The Black Back-Lands. There’s more: the nursing home adventures in

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The Case of Landon Manor

I began work on a new short with the working title The Case of Landon Manor. It’s a supernatural mystery set in 1924. My main character is a glamorous young heiress, who also happens to be a medium. I’m 2000 words into it and having a lot of fun. Here’s the first beginning, although that’s

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Waiting for Rain

I’m pleased to report that I finished Waiting for Rain, finally. I thought I would never reach the end of this short story. I’m not even sure why it took so long. But, thanks to my New Year’s resolution, I wrote the last 4000 words in a week. Rob is going to help me with

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Groucho and Bradbury

Ray Bradbury appeared on You Bet Your Life, hosted by Groucho Marx. Groucho: What kind of job do you have Ray? Ray Bradbury: I’m a writer. Groucho: What kind of rider? Pony Express, motorcycle, or what? Ray Bradbury: Writer, W-R-I-T-E-R. Groucho: Oh, that’s very refreshing–a writer who can spell. Excerpt from The Essential Groucho by

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In the world of small things that excite me, we just received a bunch of mail forwarded from our home in Portland. In the box of mail was my check from Strange Horizons for Portrait of Ari. There’s something about getting paid that makes me feel like I really did something. I’ll get all excited

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Chattacon 31

On January 21, I will be on a panel at Chattacon 31, a science-fiction convention in Chattanooga, called Writing – when can I quit my day job. I told them that my day job was in puppetry. This should be interesting.

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Shimmer gets reviewed

Our first issue of Shimmer was just reviewed in the Internet Review of Science Fiction. You have to log in to view it, so I’ll post a quick excerpt here. Headlining the issue is Dario Ciriello’s Valley of the Shadow, a zombie story with a difference. Complex, subtle, and powerful, one man makes his way

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