
Well, I’m on my way to Readercon today. I’ll be in the U.S. until Sunday. My plane won’t land in Iceland until Monday morning, so I’ll be walking straight onto set. That should be fun. Mmmm. Jet-lag and puppets. Who could ask for more.

While I’m there, I’ll have my cellphone for dire emergencies, but any call will cost me 75 cents per minute. So don’t call me unless it is a dire emergency. You can still reach me via email, of course.

I’ll keep you updated on how the conference goes.

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2 thoughts on “Readercon”

  1. Oh, just to let you know, Monday is Stefan Karl’s birthday, so if you see him, wish him a happy birthday for myself and the other Lazy Town fans on Live Journal, please! =)

  2. Mary Robinette Kowal

    With any luck, Stefan has the day off on Monday so he can be with his family. But if he is in the building, I will make sure I tell him.

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