NEW Lady Astronaut Short Story

In The Moon’s House

I’m excited to unveil a brand new Lady Astronaut story published today: In the Moon’s House.”

One of the things I enjoy about short stories is the opportunity to explore the lives of background or secondary characters. This story takes place before The Fated Sky. I’m happy to let you all get to know Dawn, Graeham, Wilburt, and Heidi a little better before you remeet them in The Martian Contingency.​

In “In the Moon’s House,” Dawn struggles to fit in with the rest of her team—the backup crew for the next lunar mission—but she and her colleagues may have more in common than anyone realizes…

You can read the full story in Reactor today for free. It was edited by Claire Eddy at Tor Publishing and the beautiful cover art is by Avalon Nuovo.

“In the Moon’s House” is one of the short stories in my upcoming Lady Astronaut collection, Silent Spaces. There are 9 days left to back the project on Kickstarter. If we reach $100,000, I’ll be writing an additional new story for the book.

You can back the project here​.

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