To celebrate finishing the proof-reading of the Autumn issue of Shimmer, I offer you a wordsearch based on the Autumn issue. Each word represents a story in this issue.
Halloween Night by John Parke Davis
Skeletonbaby Magic by Kathy Watts
Pray for Us, St. Dymphna by Bryan Lindsey
The Angel Wood by Angela Slatter
Interview with John Scalzi
Melancholix: Affinity by Joseph Remy
Through the Obsidian Gates by Aliette de Bodard
A Wizard on the Road by Nir Yaniv, translated by Lavie Tidhar
Voices of the Gods by Monica Eiland
The King of Sand and Stormy Seas by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Let’s be silly. Why not post your time in the comments section?
I can’t wait to see this issue, and not just because I have a piece in it! 😛 Fun word search! My second go around was much faster than the first.
Thanks for all your hard work proof reading and working with crazy artists. 😛
We love our crazy artists!
2:35 Obviously I need more coffee.
I kept expecting it to be much more fiendish, like words backwards and in diagonal. Slowed me down 😀
Heh. I did ask for backwards words, but it didn’t give me any.