The Wilder Mann: Costumes of pagan rituals

This is an amazing series of photographs by Charles Fréger. For the past two years, he’s been taking photos of pagan rituals, which are still active. So far, he’s visited nineteen countries for the “Wilder Mann” series. The photos are eerie and beautiful.

Wilder Mann 008
Wilder Mann 8, Wilder Mann , 2010 © Charles Fréger –

Go look at the entire set. When you arrive on the site, use the dropdown “SERIES” menu in the upper left, and select “Wilder Mann.” Inspirational images.

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5 thoughts on “The Wilder Mann: Costumes of pagan rituals”

  1. Whenever I see masks, I’m reminded of the intriguing chapter on masks in Keith Johnstone’s book Improv. Highly recommended!

  2. Wonderful, inspirational, and frustrating… I want more anthropological information about each photo SO much!!!

  3. I know this is a bad comparison but they look like the Yetis… I am just saying I know I have been playing to much Warcraft when things look like wow creatures. I can only imagine them at a convention… that would be epic!!
    But I can tell you I don’t think I have seen any of those in our circles.

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