Sale! “The Conciousness Problem” to Asimov’s

I think this post should probably consist of nothing but exclamation points.

Growing up, I subscribed to Asimov’s and had a shelf full of back issues until I went to college.  It was one of my favorite tickets to other worlds but I never imagined, back then, of actually appearing in its pages.  But my story, “The Consciousness Problem” just Sold! To! Asimov’s!

!!!!! !

Be happy there’s no audio component to this post because the squeel would destroy your eardrums.  This is my first sale to one of the “Big Three” and I’m so pleased that it’s to Asimov’s.  I wrote the story as part of the workshop run by Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch, with special guest Sheila Williams.  Clearly, I got invaluable feedback from that.

Could this day get any better?  Oh yes, I think it can.  I just have to wait for the polls to close.

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40 thoughts on “Sale! “The Conciousness Problem” to Asimov’s”

  1. Wonderful news! !!!! And I can’t believe how restrained you were in your exclamation point use!!!
    Congratulations! And fingers crossed for the election!!!

  2. Slid on over from Whatever as John has posted a link due to your good news.

    If you haven’t gone “SQEEEEEEE” enough, let me add to it. You’re entitled.

    This is very cool. I’ve read Asimov’s since the 80’s and feel that only the best show up there.
    Guess what group you’re in now? 8D

    Jeff S.

  3. John is good to me also. I mean, he introduced me to your work,
    E. Bear, Corey and Charlie, not to mention blue sheep and brain pals.
    I had to add bookshelves because of him, which is not a bad thing

    Tangent time. I was amused that your system put a picture of
    a sailor by my first post as I’m retired USN.

    Congrats again, more good things to come.
    Jeff S.

  4. !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!
    Well, Somebody had to do it:-) Congratulations to a “Real” writer.
    !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Mary —

    Congratulations! That’s fantastic!

    I’ll be intrigued to see how the story changed from the workshop. It will be a good example for newbies like me in the art of revision.

    Well done!

    – yeff

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